Submission Guidelines
Currently, we are asking for submissions of the following types. These will be considered for our next issue.
Poetry: 1—3 poems single-spaced, starting each poem on a new page.
Short Story: 1 piece double-spaced, with a word count of less than 1,500 words.
Creative Non-Fiction: 1 essay double-spaced, with a word count of less than 1,200 words.
Artwork: 1—5 pieces as high-quality JPEG or PNG files.
Please send all submissions to as a Microsoft Word document. Upon receiving work, a confirmation email will be sent specifying that your work is under consideration. Our response time can vary between 2-4 weeks; please be patient with us! You may query if you have not received a response after 1 month. Additionally, if you desire feedback on your submission, please note that in the body of your email.
Please note that works submitted for consideration cannot be an assignment related to your academic classes. This is strictly prohibited.